The great achievement of this famous Russian painter is to mix the sacred with the profane, remaining og the edge of a sacrilege, to ally the ancient images of the past with the vivid ones of the present and, in its cource of events, the life of its personalities and their ogten tragic fate.
Gallery of Nikas Safronov.->
The artist for a long time works above religious subjects . He is very much concentrates on the sacrament of religion, spiritual mysticism, compassion of the soul. Very often he approaches the icon painting.
Gallery of Valeriy Stoilov.->
The author is successor of the Russian landscape's school. The spectator very often are bewitched of the portraits created by the artist.
Gallery of Alexander Akopov.->
St. Daniil's Monastery is the center of Moscow Church events and festivities. The Monastery brought out religious literature and lithographs devoted to the cloister's memorable and jubilee dates. Restoration work on the icons was carried out of the restoration workshop of St. Daniil's Monastery. The painters save the ancient Russian iconographical traditions.
St. Daniil's Monastery.->